Breakfast & After School
Out of School Care Club
Our clubs offer a safe, secure and friendly environment in which all of the children are looked after, giving parents peace of mind. On offer there is a wide range of facilities including crafts, films, access to the playground and field, computing, toys and the opportunity for children to just relax and chat if they so wish.
There are a choice of snacks – Cereal & milk, cheese & crackers, yoghurts, toast, fruit and vegetables, healthy option crisps and biscuits and a variety of drinks. We have been awarded the ‘Tasty Tuck’ award by the Community Food and Nutrition Team.
Times are as follows:
Early Bird (Breakfast) Club – £6.00 Monday – Friday term time only. With the session times running from 7.30 am until the start of the school day.
After School Club – Monday – Friday term time only. Session bookings are either:
3.30pm – 4.30 pm £7.00
3.30pm – 5.55pm £8.00
Bookings are done via our online payments app, ParentPay, and we advise parents to book at least a week in advance where possible. Late bookings (on the day of the booking) will be charged at £8 for Breakfast Club and £10 for After School Club.
Breakfast club bookings can be made up until 10.00am the day before you require it.
After school club bookings can be made up until 10.00am on the day you require it.
If a session is booked until 4.30pm, but your child is collected anytime after this, you will be charged £8.00 instead of the £7.00.
If your child is not collected by 5.55pm, you may be charged £5 for the first 15 minutes, plus an additional £5 every 15 minutes after this.
Bookings can be cancelled or changed before the cut off times above. We ask for 24 hours notice for cancellations. Failure to cancel 24 hours before will result in the full session charged to your account.
Ratios of adults to children have to be adhered to for safety reasons so all bookings need to be made via Parent Pay or via the office. Any children not booked into clubs will result in a phone call to parents/carers being made as a safeguarding priority, and your child will be put into after school club.