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Tadpoles is our pre-school facility open to 3-4 year olds.  This is not a local authority maintained nursery so when your child joins Tadpoles, they will not be officially on the school roll until if and when they move up to Reception and this would be through the normal LA admissions procedures.  Even so, we still very much treat the children as ‘part of the family’. They will have access to many of the resources that the school age children have access to and we ensure that planning for the curriculum is done with a view to your child hopefully progressing through the school.  Obviously, if you subsequently decide to apply for a Reception place and are successful, their time in Tadpoles will provide for a seamless transition as they will be familiar with both the surroundings, the routines and the staff.

For more information please follow the links below.

When filling in the funding form, you may be entitled to extra funding – please follow this link.

DFE information on applying for 30 hour funding

You are of course very welcome to make an appointment to visit the school prior to any possible application

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