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We will start the final half term of Year 1 with a big phonics push.  This is in preparation for our Phonics Screening check on the 2nd week.  We will continue to encourage the children to sound out all of their words out when carrying out their ‘special job’ with Mrs Gill.  We will remind them to look for ‘special friends (the sounds within the words, Fred talk (Sound the words out loud) and then read the word (Blend the word back together)’

Once the Phonics screening check is complete we will start the half term in English our focus is the book ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear’.  This story as you can probably imagine, is a spin off of Goldilocks and the 3 bears.  The focus of this unit is for the children to write their own story with a new character or a new setting.  The children will continue to develop their confidence of using ‘and’ to join clauses, use simple description, using capital letters at the start of names and places and continuing to use a range of punctuation.