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Foundation Subjects

Other areas of the curriculum:


In history this half term the children will learn about Florence Nightingale.  They will place her on our class timeline.  We will look at her legacy of being the lady of the lamp.  The impact that she had on nursing today.  We will also learn about Mary Seacole and comparing their lives. 



This half term the children will learn about how Christians show that they belong to God.  As part of this we will talk about Baptism and the symbols as part of the Baptism service.  If any of the children have been christened and they would like to share photographs of their Christening with their friends, please feel free to send them in on a Friday and we will share them as part of our RE lessons.  


In PSHE we will discuss how to stay safe online as well as how we are all unique.  What makes us the same but what makes us different.  

In Computing this half term, we will be using and applying all the basic computer skills we have learnt so far. This will include understanding the main parts of the computer, using a mouse accurately and typing with the keyboard. The children will also have the opportunity to explore the Paint programme again, in order to apply the skills they have learnt independently. 
Our final unit is 'Reflect, Rewind and Replay'. This unit consolidates the learning that has taken place during the year. All our learning is focused on revisiting songs and musical activities that we have practiced, allowing the children to reflect on which ones they have enjoyed the most. 
Our DT topic for this half term is Food Technology and the children will be making their own fruit kebabs. The children will be able to taste a variety of fruit and choose which ones they would like on their own kebab during the design process. The children will then try their kebabs and evaluate them.