Foundation Subjects
Summer 2
Below are the foundation units we will be working through this half term. Click on the links to find out a little more about each subject.
Early Islamic Civilisation
During this topic, children will start by exploring the early Islamic civilisation timeline. We will explore how the civilisation began and will compare life in Baghdad in AD 900 compared with life in London in AD 900. We will find out about the legacy that the early Islamic Civilisation left behind and link this to our previous learning in History.
Focus Question: What can we learn from the way Jews treat their scriptures?
Throughout this topic, we will find out about the Torah and how it is stored and handled. We will also explore and describe the guidance that the Torah gives.
Using and Applying Skills - Creating the Ultimate 3D bedroom
Children will use Tinkercad during this unit to design and then create their utlimate dream bedrooms. We will begin with a paper design and then make this design come to life using the 3D creating tools on Tinkercad. We will evaluate each other's work and offer suggestions for improvements next time.
The Olympics
Children will be introduced to the new unit Las Olimpiadas (The Olympics). They will learn how to decode and breakdown language by looking out for cognates (words that are similar in Spanish and English). They will then be introduced to ten Spanish nouns (and their article) for sports currently in the Olympic games. They will be creating more complex and interesting sentences with the verb practicar (‘to do’ or ‘to play’ when used in relation to sports) and be introduced to a negative option for not doing a particular sport using the structure no practico...+ a sport.
They will learn how to link the word for a sport to how we use / change that word to describe that sport as someone’s profession: what changes take place, when and why.
Spanish will be delivered by a specialist modern foreign language teacher from Rainford High School.
All the learning in this unit is focused around a recap of all of the songs we have explored this year.
DT - Textiles
Linking to our english unit, children will select and design an African animal to create an African animal toy. We will start by choosing and creating a design and then we will move onto physically making the toy using felts, thread and needles. We will add additional details by including buttons etc.