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Foundation Subjects



Topic (Geography)

During this half term, children will be learning all about Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Children will learn how volcanoes are formed and where in the world earthquakes happen. They will use maps to identify where volcanos are found in the world in relation to the tectonic plates and, produce a map of tectonic plates and where key volcanos and earthquakes occur. Children will explore the different types of plate movements that cause earthquakes to happen and identify how they happen and how they are measured. Finally, children will research a famous earthquake or volcanic eruption and produce a newspaper article about it. 

The Natural World - BBC


We will start each half termly unit with an online safety lesson, in which children will learn about the risks of the internet, and how to keep themselves safe online.

We will then move on to our Using and Applying unit in which children will build upon the skills they have developed during this academic year to design and create and original character using appropriate software. Children will use a variety of applications to design and advertise their characters before using Purple Mash to make their characters come to life!

Online Safety

Animation on Purple Mash


At Brook Lodge we are fortunate enough to have our own Modern Foreign Languages teacher, Miss Zarain. This half term's unit is called Goldilocks and, throughout this unit, children will learn new vocabulary by using picture cards from the story 'Ricitos de Oro y Los Tres Osos,' learn and retain new vocabulary by improving reading skills and using word cards from the story and finally, write their own Goldilocks story in Spanish.

Ricitos de oro y los tres osos - The Goldilocks And The Three Bears in Spanish


 In Music this half term, the children will be consolidating the learning that has occurred during the year. All the learning is focused around revisiting songs and musical activities, a context for the History of Music and the beginnings of the Language of Music.

A Glossary of Musical Terms

Art & Design

In our Art topic this half term, children will learn different printing and painting techniques, taking inspiration from the artist Anglea Harding. They will use their sketchbooks to collect and record visual information from different sources before painting a range of different rainforest animals.

BBC Teach - Art & Design


During the Summer term, children will be learning all about; Health and Well-being (Keeping Safe). Children will learn the importance of taking medicines correctly and using household products safely, identify some of the effects related to different drugs and that all drugs, including medicines, may have side effects. 

Primary PHSE


Children will be learning all about Christianity during his half term. The unit investigates the Christian teaching of agape- a selfless love of others. Children will explore how important messages and guidance can be passed on through stories and will focus on Christian teachings contained in the parables that Jesus told to his followers. They will then discover examples of how modern Christians show a love for their neighbour and reflect on what they message they would want to pass on to future generations.

Religious Education - BBC Bitesize


This half term, children will be developing their rounders and athletics skills. During our lessons, children will learn different catching techniques and shot selection under pressure, practise striking and running between wickets and correct and effective positioning. They will develop pacing and strategy regarding athletic events, combine technique and power when performing ad, develop  shot put and throwing techniques with further power.


Physical Education - BBC Bitesize