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Autumn 2 

Properties of Materials 

This unit ‘Properties of materials’ takes children through six lessons where they learn how to: compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets; know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating; and finally, they learn how to give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic.

The lessons have been written in sequence and are designed to challenge children to recall the knowledge and skills they have covered in the previous lesson(s). This unit builds on the States of Matter units children covered during Year 4 and compliments the Changes of Materials unit covered during year 5. 

Year 5 Properties of Materials Knowledge Organiser